

Refuse to let the moment pass.

We all encounter circumstances in our lives that impact us, but often we remain unchanged. We let life pass us by until we realise that it’s too late. We miss opportunities to make a difference and to say the important things we need to. Our dreams remain unrealised and our fears prevent us from enjoying every precious moment that God gives us.

Say It!
If you have something important to say to someone special in your life, why wait until tomorrow? This unique feature will help you to do this in a novel and personal way.

Dream It!
Often our dreams never leave our minds and as a result the world is a poorer place. Why don’t you record your dream on the website and we will encourage you to keep reaching for your dream?

Overcome It!
Is your fear proving to be a stumbling block in your life? Record your fears on the website and we will motivate you to tackle these fears.

“Do it now. Do whatever you can do right now.” – Thomas à Kempis

“The immense value of hearing and heeding this particular message can’t be measured – it can only be seen, tasted, touched and experienced. Delme has taken up the challenge to help us remember that everymoment counts and he has produced a book which I believe will prove to be an absolute treasure trove of inspiration for many.”
Rev. Gareth Killeen

Seize The Day

NOW challenges us to ‘seize the day’ and to honour God
with everything we have.

Say It!

In response to chapter 2, we have set up a feature where you are able to write a message to your family and friends (or anyone else) expressing your thoughts and feelings. This is merely a help to get you started on the journey of ‘saying it now.’

Say It
Dream It!

In chapter 4 we encouraged you to dream big dreams and not to hold back. ‘Dream it’ offers a unique feature where we encourage you to express these ideas by writing them down. Once you have done this, we will send you an inspirational thought to motivate and inspire you in the pursuit of your dreams.

Dream It
Overcome It!

By recording your fears we feel that it may help you to begin a journey of overcoming these stumbling blocks. We will send you a brief message which we pray will encourage you in dealing with your fears.

Overcome It