

Husband, father, pastor, author & life-long learner.

Delme Linscott is currently serving as a Methodist Minister in Fish Hoek, South Africa. He has been in full time ministry for over 20 years and is still passionate about sharing God’s Grace with anyone who will listen. Delme is married to Kim and they are blessed to have 3 wonderful boys, Declan, Nathan and Joshua.

He has a number of things that keep him energised and these include: Swimming, Running, Mountain Biking and enjoying endless cups of great coffee. Not only does Delme enjoy these past times, but he is also a loyal fan of Rugby and Football. He is a long suffering Sharks supporter and a Manchester United fan.


Delme also has a love for Church History
and has previously served at the
Seth Mokitimi Methodist Seminary.
Delme's Blog

He has a desire to communicate the Gospel
through the written word and has been
writing a daily blog for
many years now.